直播动态 英语四级 英语六级 开放英语4 商务英语写作 自考英语二 专升本英语 英语与翻译研究 退役士兵专升本 招生计划 考试大纲 专转本 江苏专转本 中国专升本 江苏专接本 陕西专升本 统招专升本专业 音乐学(师范)专业 体育专业 专插本 常见问题 报考动态 专插本资讯 考试大纲 中国四六级考试 专升本直播
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江苏自学考试 上海自学考试 湖北自学考试 陕西自学考试 四川自考考试 广东自学考试 福建自学考试 浙江自学考试 山西自学考试 山东自学考试 甘肃自学考试 安徽自学考试 江西自学考试 辽宁自学考试 河北自学考试 广西自学考试 北京自学考试 天津自学考试 湖南自学考试 新疆自学考试 重庆自学考试 海南自学考试 吉林自学考试 黑龙江自学考试 宁夏自学考试 河南自学考试
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幼儿教师 学前教育 幼儿教师资格证 备考资料 综合素质 保教知识与能力 面试指导 直播预告 考试大纲 考试动态 直播动态 考试报名 小学教师 小学教师资格 小学语文面试 小学数学面试 备考资料 综合素质 教育教学知识与能力 小学英语面试 直播 考试大纲 初中教师 中学教师备考资料 初中物理笔试 初中语文笔试 初中数学笔试 教育知识与能力 初中英语笔试 初中化学笔试 考试大纲 高中教师 高中教师 高中教育知识与能力 高中综合素质 高中语文笔试 高中数学笔试 高中英语笔试 高中物理笔试 高中化学笔试 高中语文面试 考试大纲 教师中国 广东教师 陕西教师 广西教师 河南教师 湖北教师 重庆教师 湖南教师 江西教师 甘肃教师 贵州教师 黑龙江教师 吉林教师 江苏教师 海南教师 北京教师 安徽教师 福建教师 河北教师 四川教师 浙江教师 天津教师 中小学教师资格考试 普通话测试
第一部分:阅读判断 (第1~10题,每题1分,共10分)
why Dog Bury Their Favorite Bones
1. Dogs bury their favorite bones or chew toys by nature.
A.第一段 reason-in a nature
2. Dogs started to bury their bones when they become pets.
B. before becoming pets
3. Dogs in the wild occasionally had enough food.
B. scarce 稀少的
4. Dogs would bury they extra food for their "babies".
5. Animals would start a fierce fight over food in ancient time.
6. Some dogs tend to store up more than one bone at the same time.
7. The backyard of a dog owner may be full of holes dug by his dog.
8. Dogs often bury their bones far from trees.
B. often near trees
9. Dogs use their paws to find spots for burying bones.
10. Dogs bury more bones than chew toys.
11. A recent survey finds that 25% of Internet users use public WIFI to
12. A. do banking
12. The phrase take advantage of can best to be replaced by
B. benefit from.
13. According to Shadel, any hacker can
C. steal people's information.
14. For safety, Internet users are advised to
D. avoid shared Internet access.
15. Shadel uses public WIFI to
B. deal with his emails.
第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子 (第16~25题,每题1分,共10分)
16. F I visit websites to get information
17.D.I communicate with others online.
18. AI do some morning exercise.
19. C. I prepare kids for school.
20. B.I phone my parents or sisters.
21. Nuzzel helps me
F. to surf the Internet efficiently
22. On twitter I am able
A. to listen to others
23. There are several factors that
D. affect my workout routine
24. Before my kids go to school, I
C kiss them goodbye.
25.I call my parents
E. to learn how they going
26.D 27.A 28.F 29.E 30.C
Successful People
There are several key abilities that allow successful people to fail forward instead of taking each set back personally.First, successful people don't blame themselves when they fail. They take responsibility for each set back but they don't take the failure personally. Second. successful people don't define themselves by individual failures. They recognize that each setback is a small part of the whole. Third, achievers are willing to vary their approaches to problems.That's important in every walk of life. If one approach doesn't work for you, if it brings repeated failure,then try something else. To fail forward, you must do what works for you, not necessarily what works for other people. Finally. successful people are tough. They don't let one error keep them down. They learn from their mistakes and move on.
Achieving Success in a Presentation
What can they get from spending (spend) time listening to your presentation? Many people think that they need to be brilliant to present well. They think they need to be smart, witty, and charming (charm)before they start to write a speech. Those qualities can come naturally (natural), but most often, they come as the result of the passion and knowledge of the speaker (speak). One of the vital factors in having an effective (effect) presentation is serving the needs of your audience. Caring for your audience's needs requires (require) no perfection. You can make mistakes (mistake) and it's going to be 0K. The equipment (equip) can fail and it's still going to be OK. You don't have to use humor to be a winner (win) with that in mind, the real point is more like being successful at reaching (reach) your audience.
假设你找到了一份很满意的工作。请给你的美国朋友Tom 写一封英文邮件,分享你的喜悦,内容要点包括:
(3)请以LiKe 署名。
Dear Tom,
I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to share some exciting news with you. I recently found a job that I'm really happy about and wanted to tell you all about it.
I like to be a teacher. Three reasons have led me to choose this job. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more helpful and interesting, I have to read more books, learn new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world, which is the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, I’ m free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions. Finally, I like
teaching because it offers certain peace of mind.
All in all, the reasons above make me like teaching best.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news with you. Hope you're doing well!
Your sincerely,
Li Ke
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